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Chooowap.com for Hotels,

Save you more,

Convenient, Not complicated, and

Easy to manage


About Us

Choowap Hotel System (CHS) is the hotel inventory technology for B2B and B2C , developed by Thai Tour Group. CHS channel is available for any providers of Thai and non-Thai hotels.


User-friendly and easy to connect

Simply access, compare market rates, place reservations, and manage bookings for your customers via either your personal computers or any mobile devices.

Real Increase in Booking Volume

CHS provides you with all best solution and tools in order to maximize your occupancy rates. Based on competitive rates and regular room-allotment availability, we can prove the actual bookings in a short time and continue such a booking production throughout the years.

Marketing to help your hotel properties be well-recognized

A wide array of marketing solution and products that will made your properties appear in the right place at the right time. You can now reach an ever expanding network of several websites platform, tour operators, and loyalty & points programs.

24/7 Service/Customer Care

With our organized, focused, solution-oriented collaborative and proactive team, you will receive tailor-made customer support and be able to contact us anytime.